Monday, February 24, 2020

Economic Growth Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Economic Growth Experience - Essay Example Therefore, real GDP is preferable as it gives a more accurate view of the economy. Per capita GDP is the most preferred measure because it shows and compares relative performances of each given country. There are problems that may arise when comparing the growth rate of different countries; this may be due to components that are used in one country in calculating their GDP may be omitted in the other country. In additional to that the economies of the two countries may not be equal or homogeneously comparable. However in any country whereby there is a constant increase in per –capita GDP may signify improvement in welfare and living standards. Other statistics that can be used in analyzing economic growth of a country include income distribution analysis, household consumption and wealth analysis. These statistics are not widely used in all countries compared to GDP, but they work efficiently giving the same results. Year GDP GROWTH Growth rate (%) Mean rate Deviation from mea n(?) 1990 544.7 1991 533.8 -10.9 -2 1.78 -3.78 14.2884 1992 531.1 -2.7 -0.5 1.78 -2.28 5.1984 1993 542 10.9 2 1.78 0.22 0.0484 1994 565.4 23.4 4.3 1.78 2.52 6.3504 1995 581.2 15.8 2.7 1.78 0.92 0.8464 1996 593.7 12.5 2.2 1.78 0.42 0.1764 1997 614.4 20.3 3.4 1.78 1.62 2.6244 1998 628.6 14.2 2.3 1.78 0.52 0.2704 1999 635.7 7.1 1.1 1.78 -0.68 0.4624 2000 650.4 14.7 2.3 1.78 0.52 0.2704 ?=17.8 ?=30.536 a) The growth rate is given in column 4 above and the overall growth rate is; {(650.4-544.7) ?544.7} ?100 =19.4% b) The average growth rate shall be; (-2+-0.5+2+4.3+2.7+2.2+3.4+2.3+1.1+2.3)?10 =1.78 c) The standard deviation shall be; vn; where n is the number of years. Therefore; v30.536/10 = v3.0536 = 1.75 The GDP growth rate has been relatively stable over the years. Q.3 (a) Alpha Beta Gamma Growth Rate 0.05% 2% 6% 2001 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 2002 $1,005.00 $1,020.00 $1,060.00 2003 $1,010.03 $1,040.40 $1,123.60 2004 $1,015.08 $1,061.21 $1,191.02 2005 $1,020.15 $1,082.43 $1,264. 48 2006 $1,025.25 $1,104.08 $1,338.23 2007 $1,030.38 $1,126.16 $1,418.52 2008 $1,035.53 $1,148.69 $1,503.63 2009 $1,040.71 $1,171.65 $1,593.85 2010 $1,045.91 $1,195.08 $1,689.48 2011 $1,051.14 $1,218.98 $1,790.85 2012 $1,056.40 $1,243.36 $1,898.30 2013 $1,061.68 $1,268.23 $2,012.20 2014 $1,067.00 $1,298.60 $2,132.93 2015 $1,072.32 $1,319.47 $2,260.90 2016 $1,077.68 $1,345.86 $2,396.56 2017 $1,083.07 $1,372.77 $2,540.35 2018 $1,088.49 $1,400.24 $2,692.77 2019 $1,093.93 $1,428.24 $2,854.34 2020 $1,099.40 $1,456.81 $3,025.60 2021 $1,104.90 $1,485.94 $3,207.14 2022 $1,110.42 $1,515.66 $3,399.56 2023 $1,115.97 $1,545.97 $3,603.54 2024 $1,121.55 $1,576.89 $3,819.75 2025 $1,127.16 $1,608.43 $4,048.94 2026 $1,132.80 $1,640.59 $4,291.87 2027 $1,138.46 $1,673.41 $4,549.38 2028 $1,144.15 $1,706.87 $4,822.34 2029 $1,149.87 $1,741.01 $5,111.68 2030 $1,155.62 $1,775.84 $5,418.38 2031 $1,161.40 $1,811.35 $5,743.49 With a growth rate of 0.5% the GDP of alpha is expected to rise to $1161, beta $1811 , and gamma $5743 by 2031. Q. 3bSmall differences in growth rate could have a big impact on countries’ economy Q.3c.The per capita GDP at a future year, (tn) shall be given by; Vtn = Vt0*(1+CAGR) n 1. Where; CAGR is the compound annual growth rate 2. Vtn is the GDP at time n 3. Vt0 is the initial GDP at the beginning Q.4 a. 1960 2000 Minimum GDP per capita $456.2411 $515.0736 Maximum GDP per capit

Friday, February 7, 2020

Applied Construction Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Applied Construction Management - Coursework Example The car park will have the entrance the exit gates which will all face the main road. The entrance to the car parking will be from the side of Ragian Road with the exit being placed on the side of Rampart Road. The parking for the disabled people will be on the ground floor and to the left side of the entrance. The parking for other people will be on towards the right of the entrance and they will be able to park from the second to the third floor. Additionally, the car park will have surveillance cameras that will be placed on both the entrance towards Ragian and at the exit towards the Rampart road. Other surveillance cameras will be place at each parking section with the control room located at the third floor of the building (Oyedele, Ajayi and Kadiri, 2014). The building will have four floors. The last floor will act as offices for executives and other people. The car park apartment will be painted blue green which are the company colours. Barriers will also be placed at the entrance and the exit to control traffic as well as acting as security control. The barriers will be manned by the personnel at the control room as well as the personnel located at both the entrance and the exit. The painting will be done by the Solai painters with the lighting system being conducted by the Harold lights. The lighting system will be fixed to all floors as well as the parking sections. The lighting system will be raised to ensure that all the area in the park is well lit. The other issue that the contractor will take care of is the signage that will be located on the various sections of the park with an aim of giving direction to the people who will be visiting the park (Bennett and Ormerod, 2011). The park will have signs that will show directions a s well as the points of services. The contactor will ensure that the work